Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Benny!

My love is 5 years old! He's such a big, handsome, interesting boy and I love him so much. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect, loving and entertaining little boy.

For his birthday we went to Parque Chapultepec (which is a park that has a petting zoo and other attractions which he really enjoys) in the morning as we're waiting until family day to have his party.

In the afternoon we were looking through some older pics of Ben as a baby, toddler and so on, and he's just SO cute that I had to post them here for you:

My tiny Ben! Here he's only 15 hours old. He was SO small; born weighing only 2.800 kg.

1 month old. He was SO snuggly.

2 months old. I think he looks a lot like Justin in this one.

4 months old.

His 1st Christmas!

6 months old. He was such a small baby.

Learning to sit up by himself at 7 months..

Doing it pretty well at 9 months.

His 1st Birthday!
We had a party with games, balloons, music and a very cute cake decorated like a car for all the children in the Home we were living in, but all the commotion scared Ben and I had to take him out of the party. The above picture was the simple celebration we had at my parents' house with just our family (aunts, uncles, cousins,). We gave him a baby sized basketball which he loved.

So handsome!

At the zoo!

I love the contrast between his blond hair/fair skin and his daddy's darker hair & skin.

La Marquesa and the first time we took him horse-back riding.
I think it was this visit that sparked his incredible love for horses which lasted for about a year and a half. We had posters of horses all over the wall in our room and he wouldn't go to sleep without a small plastic horse toy in his hand. To this day he sleeps with 2 stuffed animal horses (one is named Todd and the other is Styrofoam).

Licking the icing off his cake on his 2nd Birthday.
Of course, he asked for a 'horse' cake so we made a cake shaped like hills and placed his toy horses on it. We had a big party with a pinata for this birthday as well but the horses on his cake and the Noah's ark play set that Daddy got him were the main attraction for him.

Daddy's favorite Halloween costume turned pijamas.

My scruffy-haired 2 year old.

Cuernavaca! 3 years old and getting silly.
(Daddy made him an awesome train cake for his 3rd birthday but I can't find the photos of it.)

So cute in his baggy clothes.

My tiny Mexican!

4th Birthday!
He was well into his dinosaur stage here so he asked for a volcano cake with dinosaurs around. Peepers also made a special appearance at his party and sang him Happy Birthday.

Ben is so interested in all kinds of animals, ocean creatures and creepy crawlers. I love the way he's always trying to learn more about them, what they eat, their natural habitats, etc. He's so smart for a 4 year old. The other day he opened a 4th Grade science reader and began reading it out loud (he was interested in some insects the book was teaching about).
I know I'm bragging here but every Mother has a right to, especially if her son is nearly as cute and smart as mine.

I love you Benny!


  1. he's sooo cute Nat, I just love him. Both your kids are really smart. I hope he had a fun day.
    Thanks for posting!
    Tell Ben his auntie sends him a big dinasour hug and lots of huge kissies

  2. In the one with the scruffy hair he looks a little bit like Sammy. Maybe its just the hair heh! ILY Ben! I hope you had a great birthday and have tons of fun at your party.
