Sunday, May 17, 2009

He has a tooth!

My handsome got his first tooth! He's only 3 months old. Both Lily and Ben got their first tooth at 8 months.

He'd been fussier than usual for a few days but still not too bad so I didn't realize he was teething till last night I saw a white spot on his gum. I felt it and sure enough, his first tooth is breaking through. He's such a big boy!

To celebrate, I dressed him up like the big boy he is and had a blast taking cute pics. Enjoy!

And one random shot of Daddy being weird...

"Wuzup dude?!"


  1. sooo cutte in his big boy outfit!

  2. hahaha, that is so early! A tooth at three months! He's such a cute boy. Maybe it means he's gonna be really wise :)

  3. He's soo cute!
    He looks like Benny...
    He looks older than 3 moths though.
