Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Benny

A small sampling of Ben's very random thoughts for you:

Ben: "Hey Daniel, have you ever lived in a cinnamon house?"
Daniel: "Umm.... no."
Ben: "Well, I have. It's very cool! The walls are all made of cinnamon & when you walk in everything smells like cinnamon."
Ben: "Mom, we need to put Justin back in the baby machine."
Mom: "Why?"
Ben: "Because they didn't make him right. Look, his head is too big for his body!"
Last year, when we asked Ben what he wanted for his birthday he very confidently said "A machine that shoots out pillows and then turns them into flan!" I didn't know quite what to expect for this year so today I asked him what he would like. Here is his answer:
Ben: "I want a baby Tapir or a platypus. But actually, the book says that platypuses have poison so it might be dangerous for me. Maybe you should just get me a Tapir. And don't worry, Tapirs live in the forest so we can just plant a lot of trees in the yard to make a forest for him so he won't die."


Ben: "Mom, you are the queen ant and I'm the soldier ant that protects you, but oh no! we don't have a king so the kingdom will be torn unless we can find a king. Oh, I know, I'll go call my friend Jim. He lives down the street. He will be a good king for us. He knows how to rule everything, even fish and eagles."


Michael & Joy came for a visit and Michael had some cookies for the kids. First he went to Lily and said "Lily, what's my name?" Lily answered "Michael!" So Michael gave her a cookie and she said "Thank you!"
Now, Ben was watching this and his eyes grew wide when he saw that Lily had gotten a cookie. He couldn't wait for his turn. So Michael turns to Ben and says "Ben, what's my name?" And Ben just looks at him all excited and says "Thank you!!!"


  1. Maybe you could mention it's unlikely a platypus would want to live outside Australia. Closer to the truth than that a tapir will die without a forest, ha!
    Naty, I miss you!! xoxox
    - Leigh

  2. Aww, I love that little one! Haha, that was funny about Justin's head being too big for his body!
