Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cute kids

Mom to kids: "What would you like to be when you grow up?"

Lily: "I want to be a professional painter and a missionary."

Ben: "I'm going to be a scientist that studies animals because I just LOVE animals. Then I could feed chocolate magnets to the crocodiles; they would like them because they're chocolate and the magnets would draw them to me."

Mom, reading the story of David Livingstone: "Then David Livingstone said to the chief 'I have a message from God for you'. (To the kids:) Do you know what that message was?"

Lily: "Yes! It was: Do not lie, do not cheat! Wash your hands before you eat!"

Go Veggie Tales!
Ben: "Mom, you know what I would do if the Antichrist threw me into the lions den? Well, if the lions were tame I'd just take a big stick and feed them steak so they don't eat me. And if they're NOT tame I'd quickly go, dress up like a cave-man, grab my club and my pet mammoth and tell my mammoth to trample the lions. That way I'd be safe."

Sounds like a great plan!
Ben to Mom: "Mom, you are so beautiful! Even on those days when you try to look beautiful but it doesn't really work out... I still think you're beautiful!"

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