Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My little witnesser.

Lily is such a friendly little girl. She's very outgoing and loves to talk to people (even if they only speak Spanish & she can't understand what they're saying).

The other day she went with Nadia to the park and started talking to a young man that was there. When Nadia caught up to them and asked what they were talking about, the man explained how impressed he was with Lily as she was telling him about Jesus and how easy it is to go to Heaven. He spoke some English and told Nadia that it's very rare to find a child Lily's age that is comfortable talking about Jesus with strangers.

I was so proud of her when I heard this story. I'm really thankful that she's so bold as it will help her when she's witnessing (she definitely gets that from Chris as I was extremely shy as a child). It was very encouraging to hear that she was witnessing to this man out of her own initiative without anyone prodding her.

Anyway, that's my little happy post for today.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

This is the card that Nadia made for the wonderful fathers in our Home. We all chipped in and got them some special marinated Arrachera (meat) & beer. Lily and Ben made Chris some real cute cards but the pics I took of them didn't turn out.

I know this is a day late (I wasn't online yesterday) but we wanted to wish a very Happy Father's Day to Fortune, Gianni, Dano, Dave, Danny, Jason and all of our friends who are also dads! We love you!

PD. Papi, se que no vas a leer esto pero por si acaso quiero que sepas que te quiero mucho. Feliz Dia del Padre. Gracias por aguantarnos a todos, Ja! Te amo! xxx

Friday, June 19, 2009


Cute pics of the kids:
I love his turtle face. Uh, Justin's turtle face, heh.

Snuggling on Ben's bed.

I really like the way Ben's chin is so defined and Justin's is just FAT and round.

Such a beautiful smile!

This is for all you unbelievers that say my son is skinny! Just look at that flab! I love it!

All together!

Ladies night out!

We have 7 adult women in our Home and only 3 men so we did something different and had a special night for the ladies. It was very simple; we just went out to a movie (yes, we watched a 'chick flick') but it was fun to get out of the house with just girls.

Pregnant Simona being slightly dorky with Wolverine.

Nadia being herself.

Julie & Nadia pretending to be obsessed with Zach Effron.

Simona, Chellie, Julie, Nadia, Mommy with our male escort Justin & Cristina. Just missing Amber to make the group complete.

First food

Here is Justin's first taste of banana. He loved it!

I don't really want him to start eating just yet so he'll get the full advantage of the breast milk, but he gets so excited when there's food around that we've let him taste different things. We've also given him yogurt and his faces were hilarious. Don't have any pics though.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Creativity & skill in making crafts with little children is NOT one of my strong points yet crafts are Ben's favorite pastime.

Soooo... the Lord led to the WONDERFUL tool that is Google which helped me find an AWESOME ally for our activity time. The website www.dltk-kids.com offers templates for all kinds of animals made out of toilet paper rolls (which abound in our house).

They're so easy to make and Ben LOVES them. He names every animal and keeps it as his special friend. It's also a fun way to study animals as after we've made it we look up videos and interesting facts on that particular animal. We have a drawer full of the ones we've made. Here are a few samples for you:

Tom the bald eagle. (He was actually so special to Ben that he gave him to me for a Mother's Day present. So sweet! Of course, he couldn't bear to part with him so that night he asked me if he could have him back, heh.)

Baby Blue the peacock.

Lily is not so into the tp roll crafts but she joined us one afternoon and made this tiger. She named her Juliette.

A taxi. (Definitely NOT as popular as the animals.)

Jimmy the vampire bat. (The "bat theme" has lasted quite a long time and we've learned about all the different kinds of bats.)

Tasha, Tyrone & Pablo the Hippo family. (I think the 'Backyardigans' have influenced their names.)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Under the sea...

Benny has a special love for all the creatures that live in the water. He's very fascinated by all kinds of fish and could probably outdo most 4-year-olds in his knowledge of them. He's gone through a couple of 'fish' stages where his whole day, all his activities & imaginary play was centered around that particular fish or ocean creature. We've had the angler fish stage, the whale stage, the octopus stage and our most recent one has been the crab stage. Here are a few pics of some of his ocean-related activities:

What little boy doesn't love boats?

This is a special card that he painted & dictated to his teacher when whales were still the most important thing in the world to him.

An Orca.

Another whale activity. I thought this one was especially cute.

A squid. (I LOVE Nadia's creativity on this one as I wouldn't have known how to make one.)

And our most recent parent day activity: a crab.

Just chillin'...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Pets!

Well, I have good news & bad news. We'll start with the bad news to get them out of the way.

Sweet little Nemo has passed on to that Great Pond in the Sky. He got some kind of fish fungus and was sick for a day before he died. (See, this is why I don't like having small, fragile pets. They always end up dying.) Lily was a little sad about it so we decided to read "Our Birdie Funeral" from the LWG to cheer her up. Of course I should've known that reading it would spark questions such as "Mom, can we please have a fish burial?" (Ugh!) And then "It says in the story that when we die we become dust. After we bury the fish, can we come check on it every day to see if it's become dust?" (Gross!!)

After explaining that we most definitely would NOT be checking on the fish every day after burying it and comforting Benny who burst into tears at the thought of dying & becoming dust, we decided that we would flush the fishy down the toilet so he could have a 'watery grave'. (Yes, I was too disgusted to put the fungus fish in a leaf & bury it so I convinced them that Nemo would much rather be 'buried' in the Ocean.)

No 'funeral' is complete without some singing, so we gathered around the toilet and sang "Bye, Bye Fishy, Hello Heaven". Yeah... it was a bit awkward, but Lily loved it!

Anyway, Dad decided that we needed more pets as he hadn't gotten to pick one yet soooo... (here come the good news)... he bought 2 quail! We had quail at our previous house but they died (of course) so we're good & ready for some new ones. There's a male and a female and Ben decided they should be named Alvin & Adina (after their friends at our previous Home) but I doubt those names will stick; we'll see. Chris' reasoning in bringing them Home is that if they don't do well as pets, they'll be great for dinner, heh!

We've had them for a few nights & they have this shrill call that's keeping Chris up at night & scaring Ben so much that he doesn't want to use the bathroom on his own, so we might have to return them to the pet store. Hopefully Ben will get used to it & things will be fine. Here are some pics of the female, the male was hiding somewhere:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

4 months!

My handsome grumpy is 4 months old today! He's such a big boy. He holds his head up, pushes himself up to look around when placed on his tummy and he turned over all by himself for the first time today. His arm still gets stuck under him, it's so cute!

He's been a bit grouchy the past 2 days and I think his tooth is bothering him; please pray that he can go back to being his normal happy self and sleep well again.

Anyway, to celebrate his fourth month we gave him his first muffin. (Yesterday for project time with the kids we made muffins! Yay! My very first delicious orange muffins! But back to the baby...) Not a single crumb touched his lips but he had tons of fun squishing it in his hands. See for yourself:

"Mmmm, that looks good!"

"This is gross."

"Uh-oh. I ruined Mom's muffin. Now I'm in trouble."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Family

The other day we finally got all together and took some family pics. Thank you Alvi for taking them!

The girls.

My handsome boys!
Yes, that's really Justin's smile. Isn't it cute?