Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New high chair

Justy has been slowly starting to eat solids again (he'd quit altogether and has only been nursing since the whole hospital ordeal). He was doing so good sitting on a stool like a big boy that the Lord supplied a beautiful new highchair that also folds out into a toddler chair and table, and we only paid a tenth of the usual price for it. PTL!

Another little Justy update: We took him to Vernon last week and he had a visit with the cardio team from Vancouver. His heart is recovering very slowly, but even though the tests don't show much sign of improvement, his behavior is very good; he's alert, happy, developing at a normal rate, etc. and the Drs. really take that into consideration, so that's encouraging. The dose on his meds has been upped and he's taking some new ones as well so please pray with us that we'll see significant improvement soon. A very nice pediatrician here in Kamloops is taking over Justin's case and will be checking him weekly.
And that's all for tonight! I miss you all!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sun Peaks

Last Sunday we went up to Sun Peaks (a ski resort) so the kids could play in the snow before it melts. We all had a blast! We made a snowman, slid down the slopes on sleds, threw plenty of snowballs, the boys went snowboarding and believe it or not I actually enjoyed it!

I still haven't figured out how to post videos but here are some pics:

Making a snow angel...

...and hating it!

"Oh look! A giant ball!" (For those who haven't seen him recently: "ball" or "a ball" are his favorite words and he uses them for just about everything.)
Chris and Nico enjoyed snowboarding so much that today they went again on a 'guys only' trip up.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First day of school

Lily and Ben started school today! They both were very excited about it and did very well. I'm so proud of them.

The school is very nice and only a little over a km away from the house, so I'll be getting good exercise walking there and back 6 times a day to drop them off and pick them up. I'm expecting to have nicely toned legs by the summer, heh.

In other news, we took Justin to a pediatrician for a checkup this week and things are looking good. His heart is still pretty large but that's to be expected as the healing process takes quite a bit of time. Next week we're going to a city close by so the same cardio team that worked on him at the hospital can check him. Please continue to pray for his complete healing and recovery.

Thanks so much to all of you who have sent notes of encouragement and who have been praying! It's wonderful to have friends like you!

I'll leave you with a pic of Justin and his cousin Cadence:

Friday, March 12, 2010


This morning we had the first snowfall since arriving in Canada. It didn't last long, but the kids had so much fun! I was surprised that it would snow in March, but apparently that's pretty common here, yikes! Pictures:

Catching snowflakes with their tongues.

We had to yank Nico out of bed to come and get some pictures with us.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flight to Canada

I have a lot of photos of the past month, so I'll be making some 'catch-up' posts. Here are the photos of our flight to Canada:

On the bus from Cuernavaca to Mexico City. They're so good at pretending to get along, heh.

Danny and Irene came to help us with our luggage and see us off. It was so nice to see them again before we left.


Thank you all so much for your prayers! This morning we got news that the government medical insurance will cover Justin's huge hospital bill! It's such a miracle and direct answer to prayer, and we wanted to share the good news with you!

Hope you have as wonderful a day as we're having! xxx

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hospital Pics

We are so happy to be home! Thank you all for your prayers for Justy. He's due for a checkup on Monday so we'll keep you informed on his progress. Here are a few pics of our stay at the hospital (something is up with blogger and I can't organize them so they're mixed up):

His scar is healing up quite nicely.

Last day of our stay at the Hospital; he's so happy to not be attatched to any more wires.

At the ICU they put his sock in a 'biohazard' bag, which we thought was funny.

He wouldn't sit still for the cardiogram till Chris pulled out the camera and he started posing for pics. It was so cute!

He looks so small here.

Snuggling with Daddy after the first surgery.
Right before the first surgery, the lump is still there.
PS. Because Justin is a Canadian citizen the Hospital is giving us a real good rate, only about a third of the real cost. However it is still way more than we can afford so please continue to pray for a miracle of supply for us. We know the Lord is going to do it!