Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!!!!

I just found your super sweet anniversary note honey and I wanted everyone to know just how much I love you!

You have been a constant support to me this last year through thick and thin and have always stood by me even though I was pretty difficult to live with at times.

You have been an example to me of how parents should be with their children and I have been trying to "be more like you" in that sense, except when they are being REALLY naughty. ha!

I am so proud of the way you have been embracing the new changes that are going on in our lives and the way you adjusted to having a third little darling to care for!

The way you can take care of the kids and get everything done and extra on top has always baffled me and I must say that I really admire you for that.... and kinda envy you for it too!

I tried it today when I was with the kiddos by myself and for some reason I could barely get lunch and dinner ready and feed them, much less take care of the myriad of other things that needed to get done. Wow! I was baffled! "How can she do everything so well while taking care of the kids and I can't!?" Ha! It must be the true mothers anointing!

To make myself feel better, I just thought, "well, I can still make a dresser, and design a dress and dress a turkey better than Nat can!" Hmmm.... come to think of it, it actually didn't really make me feel much better about myself, because lately I have been noticing that you are starting to take over in some of my departments, such as the cooking, laundry and pretty soon you will be making clothes for the kids and driving and who knows, maybe you'll even start building furniture for us too! The sky seems to be the limit with you and that is another reason why I love you so much!

I am so looking forward to this next year with you Nat! I have fallen in love with you all over again and I know that the tough times we have experienced in the 8 years we have been together have only served to make our marriage stronger (after we learned what we had to learn) and have made us a pretty tightly knit team! You are an amazing wife!!

You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me Nat and I am proud to be married to you! My hope and prayer for this next year together is that we will grow stronger together spiritually and hone our parenting skills and that we will not lose the vision for the mission that Jesus has put us on this earth for, to be a bold witness and a sample to others of his love! I am most richly blessed to be your husband! Thank you!

Sincerely yours

PS. You take my breath away! xoxoxoxo


  1. too sweet! i am so glad nat is in good hands. love you both

  2. I love you Honey! Thank you for this! You're wonderful! xxx
