Thursday, March 18, 2010

First day of school

Lily and Ben started school today! They both were very excited about it and did very well. I'm so proud of them.

The school is very nice and only a little over a km away from the house, so I'll be getting good exercise walking there and back 6 times a day to drop them off and pick them up. I'm expecting to have nicely toned legs by the summer, heh.

In other news, we took Justin to a pediatrician for a checkup this week and things are looking good. His heart is still pretty large but that's to be expected as the healing process takes quite a bit of time. Next week we're going to a city close by so the same cardio team that worked on him at the hospital can check him. Please continue to pray for his complete healing and recovery.

Thanks so much to all of you who have sent notes of encouragement and who have been praying! It's wonderful to have friends like you!

I'll leave you with a pic of Justin and his cousin Cadence:


  1. Thats the first time I saw this pic, So Cute!! -Chris

  2. Adorable!
    I'm so glad that they liked the school! I hope it goes super good for them!
    I love you and miss you!
    p.s. Hey, why 6 times?

  3. Well, I drop Lily off at one time, then drop Ben off at a different time, and then I pick them both up at the same time, so in all, I end up walking that stretch 6 times. The fun thing is that I push Justin in the stroller and carry Cadence (who I'm babysitting during the week) in a sling. And when Justin decides he wants to nurse RIGHT NOW and begins to yell for it... things get exciting! Heh.
    I love you and miss you lots! xxx
