Monday, April 5, 2010

April fools day

...was the first April fools prank I've ever done on Chris. And I got him! Ha ha! It was awesome, he totally believed me and we even sat down and discussed whether we wanted a girl or a boy, what names we liked, etc.
Not until he started playing his own pranks on his family did he realize that maybe he'd been pranked first, and he laughed so hard to think that he'd fallen for it.

Note: I am not implying that getting pregnant would be a bad thing. It would just be highly unlikely as I'm still nursing Justin.


  1. Good for you! How did you tell him?

  2. I showed him the test. I had been looking for one of those stores that sell practical joke stuff but I couldn't find one, so I talked to Ruth about it and she got her friend (who is pg) to pee on the stick for me, and voila!
