Thursday, February 18, 2010

Practicing extreme praise...

We just got back from taking Justin to a specialist. (We had the appointment with the sweet lady Dr. who prescribed more homeopathic medication for him but also said that if we didn't see improvements in 2 days we should take him to a specialist. The remedies didn't work as we'd hoped but thank the Lord, He supplied a free visit with the specialist this morning.)
It seems we need to take Justin to the hospital so they can drain the gland. The hospital here in Kamloops is having some problems with their operating room, so we have to take him to the Children's Hospital in Vancouver, which is 4 hours away. I also won't be able to breastfeed him for 4 hours before the surgery so please pray that Justin will handle that ok as he hasn't been eating anything solid. DV, they'll have the surgery this evening and possibly keep him in the hospital for a few days on antibiotics.

As you can imagine, this is a big trial for me as I hate having to spend any time at all in a hospital, especially with a child this young, so prayers for strength and encouragement for me are highly appreciated! I'm trying to stay positive and count my blessings through this whole experience.

We love you and are so thankful that you're all fighting with us in prayer! It's a relief to know we're not alone.


  1. Our prayers are with him at this time. Keep us posted...


  2. Poor little man! We're praying for you guys. He looks happy in the picture. I love you, wish I could be there with you to help. Love Caro

  3. I just read this now...I will really be praying for him.
    Love you guys!

  4. Ill really be praying for him that the Lord well make it as easy as posible for him .
    GBY. Desi

  5. Praying for you guys and especially Justin.

    Lv. Lisa

  6. Praying for u guys.. happy to hear surgery went well.

  7. Naty, we are praying desperately for Justin. We had united prayer as a Home for him last night, as soon as we heard the latest updates. We love you very much! (We're also praying for you and Chris, for your strength and faith through this difficult test.) Lots of love!
