Saturday, February 27, 2010


We have wonderful news to share with you! The Lord is SO good to us!

As you know, Justin was having some trouble with his blood clotting too fast in the artery where they inserted the catheter. Thankfully, that is all worked out and Justin is fine and very happy. We were moved backed to the recovery ward yesterday (which means he is stable) and were told that we might be able to leave by the end of next week as they wanted to monitor his condition a bit more. This was encouraging news as we had originally been told that we could be here for up to 6 weeks.

But this morning as the cardiologist checked Justin he said "Why are we even keeping them here? This boy is perfectly fine!" So, we are leaving the hospital now. It's such a miracle!

We were told that Justin sat so still during the cardiogram that morning that they were able to get the pictures they needed in 3 minutes whereas it normally takes them 30 min. He's such a good boy!

We're going to stay in Vancouver till Monday as they want Justin's original cardiologist to check him once more before we move back to Kamloops (there are no cardiology specialists there), and after that we're free to go home!

This is such an answer to prayer and we wanted to thank you all so much for the part you have played in this miracle. The Lord has also led us to some wonderful people here, and we've had a chance to pray with people, encourage them and witness. We really see this whole situation working together for good!

Justin has one more week of antibiotics and a month of diuretics and other medication for his heart, and from there we'll see how he's progressing. The aortic coarctation (the narrow part of his aorta) has been fixed but there is a chance that the damage to his heart may be permanent. The cardiologist told us that Justin's heart is presently the size of a 10 year old's heart and it usually takes months for it to heal. Please continue to pray with us that the medication Justy is taking will work well and that his heart will heal completely and not be permanently weakened in any way. Justy will be having monthly checkups so we'll be able to see the progress.

We love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers and notes of encouragment! You're wonderful and now we can all praise the Lord together for this great victory!!

1 comment:

  1. TTL!! I'm so happy to hear that. The Lord is so good to us. Such a relief to know he's alright. We'll keep praying against any permanent damage to his heart. Love you.
