Sunday, May 23, 2010


Mark, I wanted to thank you for being an awesome brother and friend to me these past 6 years. You have helped me through positively some of the biggest battles I have ever faced and have been there whenever I needed someone to talk to.

You have been a great example to many of holding on and keeping the faith even through the toughest of times and I dare say that last year was probably one of the toughest for you yet, but you still held on and kept fighting... and you still found the time to style your hair, ha!

I admire the way that you constanly have witnessing on your mind and love to tell others about Jesus. You have always been a sample to me of an instant witness and a true missionary.

You really have a vision to reach out to people and draw them closer to God and teach them to have their own personal link with Him, and it is this drive that I have see in you that has inspired Me to do the same.

You are an awesome dad to your little ones, an excellent husband to Gia, un buen Mexicano, a good Jack of all trades and a great handyman. The list can go on and on because you are one talented individual, but all in all I wanted to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for the years of friendship! I hope to be able to work with you again in the future, or at least to live close enough to you so that we can hang out...and .. so I can kick your butt in some sport that I am better at than you (that'll be the day right?)

I hope this year is your best year yet Mark! May God bless you for all that you do for Him and others!

All you need is a cape, ha!

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