Friday, June 19, 2009

Ladies night out!

We have 7 adult women in our Home and only 3 men so we did something different and had a special night for the ladies. It was very simple; we just went out to a movie (yes, we watched a 'chick flick') but it was fun to get out of the house with just girls.

Pregnant Simona being slightly dorky with Wolverine.

Nadia being herself.

Julie & Nadia pretending to be obsessed with Zach Effron.

Simona, Chellie, Julie, Nadia, Mommy with our male escort Justin & Cristina. Just missing Amber to make the group complete.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you're missing ME to make the group complete. Haha, I love it!! Miss you guys way too much!
    - Leigh
