Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Under the sea...

Benny has a special love for all the creatures that live in the water. He's very fascinated by all kinds of fish and could probably outdo most 4-year-olds in his knowledge of them. He's gone through a couple of 'fish' stages where his whole day, all his activities & imaginary play was centered around that particular fish or ocean creature. We've had the angler fish stage, the whale stage, the octopus stage and our most recent one has been the crab stage. Here are a few pics of some of his ocean-related activities:

What little boy doesn't love boats?

This is a special card that he painted & dictated to his teacher when whales were still the most important thing in the world to him.

An Orca.

Another whale activity. I thought this one was especially cute.

A squid. (I LOVE Nadia's creativity on this one as I wouldn't have known how to make one.)

And our most recent parent day activity: a crab.

1 comment:

  1. oh to be a child again. He looks like he's having so much fun. I want to come see you guys so bad. I miss you
