Friday, January 23, 2009

Aaron = #11

Just a few pics of Dave & Stephy's cute and tiny little man. He is grandchild number 11! He was so well behaved and so tiny! It was so cute how they had him in very few clothes and hardly wrapped because of the heat. I just can't get over how tiny newborns are!

He apparently sleeps very well at night. Such a good boy! His hands are so delicate and he's got Dave's cartoon toes.

Proud grandparents!

I love this pic!

Dave was so cute with the baby, he's all into him and talking about bottles and getting up at night, etc. Haha!

This photo was so hard to take. Danny, Irene, their kids & Nico came out the day before Chris & I left so we wanted to take a good pic, but it got late & everyone wanted to watch a movie & Dave was being sooooooo foolish. This is the best one of the bunch that someone got with our camera. We missed you Clara!!

The kids had so much fun with their cousins. We had a BBQ with them one night.

This is evidence of Nico's foolishness. We went over to their house & Nico decided to play a prank on Chris & dump a bucket of water on him from the balcony above the front gate. Of course Murphy's law never fails so instead of getting Chris the water fell on me! I was so shocked but it was ok cuz Chris got him back & threw him in the pool. Fun fun! It was nice to see Nico for a bit as we hadn't seen him in 8 months.

Relaxing at the 'abuelos' house.


  1. the look beautiful!!

  2. he's so cute, I love how dad looks so proud of his grandson in all of these photos. It's so cute

  3. You look soooo beautiful! Your boobs are HUGE! hahaha! I love you so much and praying for your pregnancy. xxx

  4. I wondered why you were so wet! Ha!
    Great Blog! You did a good job honsers
